Julie Anne Lee
Adored Beast Apothecary is the culmination of decades of experience in the trenches of holistic healthcare by founder Julie Anne Lee, DCH RCSHom. Julie has spent her life learning and teaching others how to provide healthy, holistic care to our adored beasts.

About Founder
Julie Anne Lee
Julie Anne Lee, DCH RCSHom grew up helping out in her mother’s animal rescue shelter. It was there that her passion for animals began. After many years as a veterinary technician, Lee developed an equally passionate commitment to homeopathy.
Since graduating from the Vancouver Academy of Homeopathy in 1997, Lee has studied with some of the most renowned international homeopaths including her mentor Dr. Susan Armstrong, Mark Elliott and John Saxon in England, George Vithoulkas in Greece, and Rajan Sankaran in India.
Julie Anne has trail blazed the advancement of holistic pet care and brings her wealth of experience to all aspects of the Adored Beast Apothecary. As a practitioner, teacher, and consultant, she has expanded the world of animal wellness, both reclaiming and scientifically evolving, the time-honoured, common-sense practice of nature-based animal health care. Lee is an Associate Member of the British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons.
She taught Introduction to Holistic Veterinary Medicine to 4th year foreign Veterinary students at Sprott College, BC and also developed and taught a three year post graduate program for Veterinarians and Homeopaths at the College of Animal Homeopathic Medicine
Lee regularly lectures at Veterinarian Conferences, Conducts Homeopathic Small Animal, Livestock and Equine Workshops, along with private and public seminars throughout North America.

Julie’s Education
In 1979, Julie graduated from what would become the first veterinary technician program in the province. To fill a much-needed gap, Julie helped establish the Toronto Association of Veterinary Technicians, and was part of a team that broke ground on the evolution of veterinary care in the country. From there, she extended her education in veterinary care to include animals from all walks of life.
- Graduated as a veterinary technician and was part of a team with a mixed practice veterinary hospital in the surgical department, postmortem and lab
- Completed the Equine Science Program, Humber College special interest in fertility ultrasounds
- Graduated from a four year Human Homeopathic Medicine Program earning her DCH in 97 and qualified for her RcsHom in 2002
- Completed three year Sit Practice with Dr Sue Armstrong DVM, British Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons Program, Leeds UK
Paving the Way in Canada
Julie Anne Lee, DCH has been the owner and practitioner of some of the busiest and long standing holistic Veterinary Hospitals and Clinics in North America, instructor at the College of Animal Homeopathic Medicine, lecturer for the American Homeopathic Veterinary Association, British Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons Association and many more over the last 20 years.
- Owner and practitioner of Adored Beast Veterinary Clinic, the first licensed strictly holistic Veterinary clinic in Canada
- Owner and practitioner, Vancouver Animal Wellness Hospital
- Owner and practitioner, Healing Place Veterinary Clinic
- Director of Holistic Wing, Animal Care Clinic with 10 veterinarians and a support staff of 25

“The most primal yet most critical contributors to global health and the health of this planet are bacterial organisms. Their collaborative power to sustain longevity is unparalleled to anything humanity has ever has known.”
- Julie Anne Lee DCH RCSHom